
Here's a useful guide to wine tasting you can read right here, or print off if you like.

Wine has not only been a part of many cultures since time immemorial, for some areas becoming emblematic of the terrains fertile purpose, it is also proving to be one of the healthier indulgences (in moderation!) that mankind has afforded himself.

For those who become passionate about wine it is only when they truly learn to savour the special qualities of wines from various regions of the world, that they enter into that deeper relationship with the beverage of the grape. A relationship that allows them to be hailed as a true wine lover and connoiseur. Learning how to taste wine is a pleasurable and rewarding activity.

This handy little guide proves and insight to the art and acience of wine tasting -- and saves me the bother of writing it all down again! Indeed why re-invenet the wheel... when there are better things to do -- such as honing the palate and tasting some of our latest wonderful acquisitions at Hallamshire Wine Shipping Co. Ltd -- excuse me while I attend to just that (work, work, work -- ho, hum!! ;D):

Tip: Simply click the image, or the tab that appears that says 'View fullscreen', in order to read the publication easily, then when you've finished reading or printing it off, simply  press 'Esc' (in the top left corner of your keyboard) to get back here... enjoy: